- No Call Center: All of your interaction with us goes through your project manager in our Ohio office
- Agile Development: The agile method means you’ll be able to see progress daily, as it occurs
- Magento Certified: With a list of certifications, we know Magento
- No Core Hacks: We never hack Magento’s core code
We turn our client’s sites into completed projects with measurable value.
- We take the time to get to know your business needs so we can provide service that makes sense
- We don’t have a set it and forget it mentality
- We believe in weekly client meetings and being available when you need us
- Our development is on shore, in the US, to keep communication lines clear
- We are committed to taking care of all our clients no matter the size, project or budget
Let’s discuss your Magento Development Needs
Check out our development work.
Building a Blueprint for Success
Reliable Magento Development and customization has become too hard to come by. Clarity. Too often in business, clarity is a scarce commodity. Unmet business needs trigger mandates, which trigger deadlines, which trigger hasty execution. Fortunately, InteractOne applies a proven process to ensure business needs are being met strategically and objectives are communicated with utmost clarity.
A common question clients ask is: “How much will this new website cost?” Because an eCommerce system draws from resources across your entire operation, no two projects are the same. Any developer giving you a quote without your specifications is like a builder quoting you on building a house without understanding really what you want or need. Without exact specifications, the developer is guessing what your needs are, and can only guess how it should be implemented. An extensive series of interactions between your team and InteractOne will determine functionality needs and business goals for your Magento site up-front. Experience tells us process is the most efficient way to build an eCommerce platform to serve a business for many years.
InteractOne’s Magento Development Plan
Timing and budgetary requirements |
Design style requirements |
Short and long-term business goals for eCommerce |
Systems to integrate (ERP, CRM, etc.) |
Magento extensions to be installed |
Marketing systems integration (email, SEM, & Social Media) |