Must-Haves for Your About Us Page

An apparel About Us page is important, as it allows customers to see the people behind your products. Anyone can sell a garment, but modern customers want to shop at stores that align with their values and have fashionable or trendy clothes. Creating an apparel webstore About Us page is tricky. There are many moving parts and sections that go into building a good one. While some companies keep their About Us page simple and straight to the point, others go all out. Instead of spending hours trying every method under the sun, we’ve applied our years of web design experience to create a list of must-haves every apparel site About Us page should have.
The Importance of an About Us Page
An About Us page is crucial for every brand, business and website to have. This page is where users understand the voices, people and faces behind the site they are viewing. An About Us page also gives you more credibility, trust and content for Google to analyze for SEO purposes. This landing page is the one place where you can highlight the biggest selling points of your eCommerce business. The overall goal for your About Us page is to leave a strong impression on your customers for them to feel about shopping and engaging in long-term business with your company.
Tell Your Story
If you do not know where to begin your apparel About Us page, the first step should be to tell your story. While writing the story of your brand, answer questions like:
- How did you start?
- Why did you start?
- What were some successful and unsuccessful steps along the way?
- How long have you been in business?
- How have you helped others?
- What does your company value?
If you have a brand guideline, you can pick up the majority of your story from there. The more you explain your story, the more authentic and credible you are. You will also want to keep the verbiage on this page in your brand’s “voice”.
There are many ways to showcase your company’s story. Some brands like the Fawn Shoppe keep their page simple:

While other brands like Schuler Shoes, add pictures, designs and a timeline:

Include Links & Call to Actions
Never miss out on the opportunity to include links and call to action (CTA) buttons on any of your pages, including your About Us page. Internal links and calls to action redirect your customers to other pages on your site. This gives your customers more opportunities to see your products and other pages you want to highlight. More people visiting other pages can boost your engagements and impressions. For apparel companies, the links and CTAs you will want to include are social media, emails, product pages, careers, blogs and frequently asked questions.
Highlight Your Sustainability Efforts
You’ve probably seen fashion sustainability problems all over the news. Many apparel companies are responsible for adding more harmful waste on our planet. Second to oil industries, clothing and textile companies are one of the largest polluters in the world – producing 20% of the world’s waste per year. Fast fashion brands like Boohoo and Shein made headlines this year as a means to show customers and other businesses that apparel stores need to change. Consumers are actively searching for brands that support sustainability. They want to see how you are helping the issue, what organizations you partner or support and how they can help through shopping with you. While we have mentioned them in a few other blogs, United By Blue is an online apparel firm that has committed to remove one pound of trash from oceans and waterways for every product purchased. Your About Us page is the perfect place to showcase all the ways you are contributing to saving the environment. This section will explain sustainable brands or collections you have as well as organizations, nonprofits or charities that you work with. If your company has any special programs or initiatives like recycling older garments or specific sustainable fabrics, you will mention it here as well. For more help on honing your sustainability efforts, check out this guide.
Explain Your Values
For many apparel brands, sustainability efforts coincide with their values, but there is so much more you can add. Your brand’s values are the ethos that drives your brand. All companies need to explain their values on their About Us page. This allows customers to see if they have aligned values. You can further define your values by showing any social causes or organizations that you support. Many consumers are looking for brands that support not only sustainability but accessibility and diversity as well. Seiko does an excellent job at highlighting their accessibility efforts:

There are many ways to share your values with visitors to your website. Schuler Shoes breaks theirs down to a second About Us landing page where they discuss the projects they support, their mission statement, vision and values:

Express Why Your Apparel Webstore Over Others
While you do not want to come off overly confident or rude, you do need to express why consumers should shop from your apparel webstore over others. In this section of your About Us page, you will let customers know why you are the expert in your field. Facts, business history, sustainability, inclusivity and unique product details or safety will be top factors to mention. You are promoting yourself, but you want to stay humble and on-brand at the same time. Refrain from including competitor names and items and always stay respectful.
Include a Gallery of Images or Videos
Since you are selling apparel and accessories, many of your customers will want to see what your items look like on real people before they purchase. Therefore, your apparel brand can flourish if you include a gallery of images or videos of your models, influencers or past customers wearing your garments. There are many ways to implement this idea on your About Us page. You can sprinkle these photos throughout the page, or you can have a section or carousel dedicated to showing off your products. Since inventory changes, you will want to update your images or videos after an item sells out. On each image or video, make sure to include a link to the item, so if customers show interest, they can head straight to the product page. Creating a photo or video gallery can take loads of time and knowledge on specifications and file types. A credible marketing agency can help you size and place everything so the results look professional and on brand.
Use Testimonials
Testimonials and reviews add more credibility and trust to your customers. This gives your company an extra boost on why customers should shop with you over other similar businesses. While choosing which reviews or testimonials to include on your About Us page, try to keep it to three separate captions that are short, give positive feedback and relate to your values or quality. Apparel brands that decide to add these reviews to their About Us page typically place them on the bottom or sides of the page. Make sure to preview and test out the best place to add these.
There are many moving parts on an About Us page that need constant monitoring and updating. While you can do it on your own, it will take a lot of time, effort, knowledge and testing. At InteractOne, we have a team of professionals who have been working and implementing the information on About Us pages and more for many of our high profile clients. So before you spend many hours and dollars trying to create the perfect About Us page for your apparel site, contact one of our members to make the job easier.