Meta’s new Advantage+ AI-driven ad tool is a lesson in letting go

Meta’s new Advantage+ AI-driven ad tool is a lesson in letting go


Spend is Performance

Meta (Facebook) just unveiled at their latest media buyers conference that they are going all-in with machine learning (Advantage+) and merchants who stick to manually controlling ads will likely see lower performance versus those who get out of the way and allow Facebook to spend toward a goal.

That doesn’t mean you can relax. You still have a job. Advantage+ just means your job is a little different.

Have you ever owned a dog? They love to please you by doing their job. If they think you want them to fetch the ball, they will fetch until they collapse in a heap. AI in general, and Facebook/Meta’s Advantage+ is a lot like that. Be careful what you ask for; it’s a big world and if your ask is vague, your results will be messy and vague.

However, if your ecommerce business has a proven online sales process, quality content and ads, Advantage+ shopping campaigns are worth a try. Advantage+ is the purest realization yet of Meta’s push for ODAX – outcome-driven advertising experiences. If your goal is being met while Facebook is spending, then great, all you need to then do is review how and to whom they are serving ads for the sake of protecting your brand. In the simplest terms, Advantage+ shopping campaigns maximize performance and find new customers. Settings are streamlined, to say the least. You do get to choose in which country your ads will be seen, but that’s about it. Automatic placements and lowest cost bid strategy are baked in as part of this “best practices” approach. Frankly, calling them “settings” at all may be misleading. Essentially, your budget, your ads and your site (and/or shop) content are the settings for an Advantage+ campaign. The more focused, engaging, clear and market-specific your content and ads are, the better your results will be. 

Does that mean your targeting will be off? Will you get a bunch of junk results? Here is where the leap of faith comes into play. You need to be able to trust that Facebook is smart enough to recognize that you sell commercial kitchen equipment, for instance, not ice maker parts. You also need to be willing to let Facebook trial and error all over itself while it strums for the perfect chord. You won’t see (or pay for) the stumbles, however, and the AI doesn’t get upset by failure; it’s relentless and endlessly enthusiastic about its mission – again, kind of like that dog.

The core strength of Facebook’s Advantage+, the endless ad iterations and testing, can make the branding team a little nervous. When using Advantage+ placements, you might see some strange cropping or branding with your ads. It can add a banner (it picks one of your colors) and may insert a headline or other element – again based on your content.

This sets up a tough choice between traditional thoughts about the inviolability of branding vs maximizing results. Given that the demonstrated benefits of adherence to rigid branding are long term, we are curious and open to the idea that there could be unintended longer-term negative consequences (audience loss, diminishing recognizability?) when you allow Meta to mess with your look. The jury is out.

It would be easy to dismiss Advantage+ as merely an amateur’s tool. Indeed, a search for the term nets a lot of pundits downplaying Advantage+ because of the lack of granular control over demographics, creative, test elements and spend apportionment. Marketers have always based their careers on being at the helm – tweaking campaigns and closely monitoring results. Facebook’s Advantage+ doesn’t even want interference from diligent and informed human decision-making. Granted, this can (currently) only be true when we’re talking about millions or billions of data points, such as are at Meta’s disposal. 

Further, Advantage+ requires KPI history on creative and targeting, so you can’t run it on a brand-new ad account. Someone needs to do testing before deploying Advantage+ to ensure that it’s optimized for success. You can upload customer lists as demographic “seed beds” to help train the AI on proven successful profiles. You also control the existing customer budget cap – well, sort of. Some have found that Facebook always exceeds this setting (usually doubling it) – don’t set any higher than 10-15% if you want to end up with 70-80% new customers vs retargeting.

The bottom line is, Advantage+ might look simple, but we would advise marketers to not quit their day jobs!

If you find yourself choosing the manual experience, check your reasoning. Is it fear? Is it because the manual process offers more granular control?

It’s a bit like investing. Many people want to choose the stocks they buy, convinced they can outperform professional mutual fund corporations – or just enjoy the control. On average and over time, It’s an illusion. Just as, most of the time, and with much less effort, allowing Facebook’s Advantage+ to just do its job will net you greater gains over the long term.

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    AI Development in eCommerce: Nightmare or Dream-Come-True?

    AI Development in eCommerce: Nightmare or Dream-Come-True?

    As an eCommerce merchant, you need to always have a critical eye on the future. You might not want to be first in line for every new technology  – some might call that being on the “bleeding edge.” But, you also don’t want to be the last to jump into a maturing technology – a.k.a “missing the boat!”

    This conundrum can lead to paralysis – especially as we consider the effects artificial intelligence (AI) will have … and is already having …  on eCommerce development. Should you greenlight your IT team to use AI? Or should you block AI apps until they can be further vetted for risks and security? These are real questions merchants are wrestling with and we see both approaches (aggressive and conservative) currently being employed.

    AI Developer Tools Today

    AI-Based Programming Assistants are already in wide use among software developers for code compilation, code debugging, and code-driven testing. Already, a few dozen tools like this exist and are being used by developers everywhere. Programming assistants can solve relatively simple but often time-consuming problems, making developers more productive and decreasing the fatigue that comes from executing repetitive tasks. 

    For example, Codex is an AI tool (in Beta) from the creators of the Chat GPT system (which is itself frequently used for coding tasks) that translates natural language to code. Codex powers another similar tool, GitHub Copilot. Developers must be skilled in asking either of these AI assistants well-defined questions in order to produce helpful results. Left unchecked, AI assistants are also known to leave vulnerabilities or even create new ones. So choosing a developer whose expertise allows prudent and well-monitored use of the tools is of prime importance. 

    A newer tool called AlphaCode shows amazing promise in solving more complex programming tasks, but still requires extensive problem definition, testing guidelines and outcome descriptions.

    Another class of tools resembles the “auto-complete” function you frequently see in text programs and search fields. As a developer types a line of code, the AI program (Tabnine, as an example) will suggest completed code lines. The more these tools are used, the better they will become at anticipating what the developer is doing.

    Wherever you have a defined outcome or set of outcomes, plus inputs for the AI to track against pattern recognition, then you have a feedback loop. AI thrives on feedback loops and is already making great use of them to provide new features and functionality for on-site search, product recommendations for personalized shopping experiences and personalization (see 

    Looking Ahead

    In the next 1-3 years, we believe we will see significant portions of simple development tasks nearly overtaken by AI. For example:

    • The development of more “code-less” themes. These are themes for platforms like Shopify, Adobe Commerce (aka Magento) and BigCommerce that permit speedy modification and customization of the content, design and layout while no longer allowing users to edit the code. Instead, all CSS/design code changes are managed by AI. This should allow for cleaner, less bloated and more stable code because the AI will be able to quickly handle debugging and testing and won’t be relying on patching or shoehorn approaches that human developers often use to effect a change.
    • Development of easier-to-use and faster design tools. Drag and drop has been around for a while, but imagine that the software will be able to anticipate and implement consistent-looking changes across the theme elements. Then, you can clean up any changes that AI didn’t get quite right on its first pass.

    The Likely Path 

    Software development, like many other skilled trades and professions, consists of a high percentage of tasks that follow a pattern or rely on standardized solutions. The skill and experience come into play on the details. AI adoption will most likely line up with those truths; without a doubt, AI use will be (and already is) widespread within eCommerce development but will not replace skilled programmers. That may sound naive, so we’ll put a finer point on it. Programming as a profession will definitely change as AI assistance becomes more powerful and reliable, but as long as the system needs to know exactly what problem to solve, there will be a need for highly-skilled developers and solution architects.

    In the near term, AI will have much less effect on the more complex elements of website development like software architecture, database management, new feature development and advanced security.

    If You Want a Job Done…

    In general, like most technology-driven changes, AI integration into eCommerce programming will follow the Pareto Principle (aka 80/20 rule). Developers will get most of the benefit available from AI by using it for limited tasks. Other tasks involving more subjective inputs: (opinions, experience, preferences) would be very difficult to ask the AI to accomplish while fairly easy for a skilled human programmer to grasp. Like the use of robots in industry – AI will be used where it has a clear benefit and where it is economically feasible based on the scale of the activity.

    Human developers use their native intelligence to translate expressed specifications (sometimes vague – and always contextual) into iteration attempts that must be checked by other humans (the project managers, the clients). This can be an unpredictable and sometimes arbitrary process when it comes to the details. 

    What should eCommerce managers do in order to use AI to their advantage?

    It is important to be on an eCommerce platform that is aggressively working to take advantage of the trending AI technologies. For instance, developers are already experimenting with codeless themes for Shopify (ie. that rely on AI for fast and simple design changes. Still, in an atmosphere of disruption there is potential for bad decision-making when it comes to choosing a platform. Software that relies too heavily on AI at this point may carry a load of unintended consequences – levels of maintenance and setup that would currently be highly specialized (and thus cost prohibitive) in the medium term.

    More than ever, excellent and experienced guidance are your best ally. Pick an agency partner you can trust, with a track record of objectivity when it comes to platforms and tools. InteractOne doesn’t claim to be unaffiliated, but we’ve also never been shy about the strong and weak points of Magento, Adobe, Shopify, BigCommerce and all of the underpinning technology. Our role is to provide unvarnished advice, based on what we see happening in the ecosystem.

    Don’t just take our word for it. Stay informed, by following industry leaders, experimenting with AI yourself, attending trade shows and seminars, etc.

    Carefully review and vet new AI features before choosing to implement them on your site… don’t just use it because it has an “AI” label on it.  Do your homework to ensure the AI feature will provide a positive impact on your website.

    Contact us to learn more about how to optimize your eCommerce site.

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      Boost Engagement with 5 UI Improvements

      Boost Engagement with 5 UI Improvements

      Looking to boost your website’s conversion rate? A few tweaks to the user interface (UI) of a site can make or break user experience (UX) and engagement. 

      UI design and graphic design are not synonymous. Fashionable fonts, color schemes and interesting effects are great but they don’t create a good UI by themselves. Truly successful web design includes factors like intuitive navigation, high-quality images, mobile compatibility and more.

      If you are looking to enhance your site, here are five common UI improvements you can implement to help increase conversion rates:

      How Mobile is Your Site? 

      Your site is probably already responsive, right? Maybe it has been mobile-friendly for years at this point. Too often, though, clients come to InteractOne because buggy responsive code, mobile browser problems or device-specific glitches are putting obstacles in the shopper’s path, or preventing transactions altogether.

      In 2022, mobile ecommerce sales in the US made up nearly 42% of the total ecommerce market. This year, it’s projected that mobile commerce sales will surpass 43% of total sales, and by 2025, they are expected to reach 44%, gradually closing the gap between mobile commerce and ecommerce sales ratios. In brief, having a site that has “ok” mobile friendliness is costing you lots of money. .

      To ensure efficient content loading on mobile devices, it’s crucial to develop catalog and product content with a mobile-first approach. In other words, when you build products and content, assume the viewer will be on a phone. Site elements should also load in order. For instance, to accommodate the shorter attention span of mobile users, consider displaying a static banner instead of a rotating one on mobile devices. This can help improve performance and overall user experience.

      Streamline Checkout

      Improving a site’s checkout design and functionality is key to customer satisfaction. Complicated checkout processes and website errors contribute to high rates of cart abandonment, with studies showing as many as 17% of customers will abandon their carts due to checkout issues.

      The best way to prevent this is to use your tools. Observe customers using your site and your checkout – you’ll be surprised at the insights you can gain! Watching real-time transactions helps you think like a customer so you can remove clutter and sticking points in the checkout process. Verify your observations by setting up the checkout funnel in Google Analytics and paying attention to the Abandoned Carts report in Magento.

      Use Google Analytics to track your checkout funnel and monitor the “Abandoned Carts” report in Magento. Overall, when looking to increase conversions, keep the checkout process short and straightforward, with properly functioning autofill fields and guest checkout (ask us how often we see these broken!)

      Maintain Consistent Navigation

      Right off the bat, here’s a caveat for the owners, directors and VPs out there: Take care how you wield your influence! One of the most common problems we see in navigation is the inclusion of “pet” categories – prominent menu items that are either redundant or simply out of place. For instance, maybe you sell office supplies. For your main categories, you have electronics, furniture, equipment and one or two other main categories. But, for some reason, you are very focused on selling ergonomic keyboards. “Ergonomic keyboards” shouldn’t be a main category for you. But because your marketing person isn’t going to fight every battle, up it goes. Don’t do it!  A disciplined approach to your menu structure is vitally important.

      As the first point of contact for visitors, your menu should guide them to their destination seamlessly. However, many websites fall victim to common design mistakes such as overcrowding, vague or dated labels, and lack of organization. These can quickly drive visitors away from your site and towards your competitors (especially when ¼ of site visitor’s attention goes to the main navigation of the website).

      To create a successful navigation, start by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes. Consider the customer journey and personalize the menu accordingly. Avoid overwhelming users with too many choices; limit the primary navigation to just a few options. Utilize attributes and faceted navigation within larger categories to make filtering easier.

      Remember to regularly review and update your navigation to accommodate new product lines or brands, while keeping the category structure simple and relevant to your customers’ search queries. Again, most ongoing updates should take place in the sub-categories, attributes and filters since you rarely add or shed a whole top-level category of products. Optimize your high-level categories for both browsing and search engine rankings by using terms familiar to your customers. By providing quick and relevant answers, you’ll increase engagement and retention on your site.

      Establish Trust Through Images

      Establishing credibility in your site can motivate shoppers to make a purchase. Easier said than done, right?! Professional photos of real people using your actual products sounds like a heavy lift, but is usually worth it. People are looking for a reason to say yes (they’re shopping, remember?) and personably relatable photography allows them to believe. Highlight product details. Display high quality images users can enlarge on desktop or mobile. Studies show that larger images are more effective in boosting conversions, so definitely talk to your developer before deciding to use smaller image files; there are ways to preserve large images and not sacrifice performance. Many times, a CDN can ensure fast load times. 

      Product Descriptions

      Revamp your product pages by crafting unique, valuable and clear descriptions that highlight the product’s benefits for the buyer. Applying this across your whole catalog is another potentially huge task that many merchants choose not to tackle, but depending on your market it can make or break your strategy. Avoid common eCommerce mistakes like leaving out relevant visuals or failing to explain how to use the product. Make sure your descriptions are credible, concise, and engaging. Adding a touch of humor or storytelling can help capture the customer’s attention and make your product stand out.

      Building a Better eCommerce Website

      By focusing on user experience and prioritizing user-centered functionality, these five UI enhancements can increase conversions on your Magento website. Adopting a customer-centric approach can lead to a positive user experience and ultimately drive more conversions.

      Contact us to learn more about how to optimize your eCommerce site.

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        AI Fraud Detection Will Save eCommerce Brands Billions

        AI Fraud Detection Will Save eCommerce Brands Billions

        Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing almost all sectors, including e-commerce. One such area where astute e-commerce businesses are utilizing AI is fraud detection. With the advancement of data analysis, algorithms can analyze millions of data points to detect new potential instances of fraud, earlier and with greater accuracy.

        To execute a successful fraud detection system, merchants need to maintain a delicate balance of precision. They must deny fraudulent transactions, which are extremely costly, while also avoiding the denial of legitimate transactions to prevent churn and maintain their reputation.

        Complicating matters; there isn’t a reliable method to differentiate between the desirable and the undesirable; approximately $600 billion of global e-commerce revenue was forfeited due to payment declines in 2020, complicating matters.

        How is A.I. fighting the good fight against fraud? Read on to find out.

        Fighting Fraud with Fire

          According to Juniper Research, cumulative merchant losses due to online payment fraud are projected to exceed $343 billion globally by 2027, highlighting the ever-increasing threat of fraud. AI-based fraud detection is increasingly replacing traditional methods that use rules created by humans to decide whether a transaction should decline. Such methods were often inefficient, unlike AI-based fraud detection processes. Rule-based fraud detection depends on policies that predict improper customer behavior ahead of time, which can be painfully inaccurate. Fraud detection AI is primarily based on unsupervised learning models. Machine algorithms analyze large data pools from multiple vendors and millions of transactions to detect patterns based on behavioral patterns in the data. The algorithm is not trained on specific data points; instead, it autonomously identifies patterns in the data. Artificial intelligence offers flexibility to fraud prevention by identifying anomalies and suspicious activities without relying on pre-established rules. Additionally, AI can provide instant decisions to enhance the system’s security. Fraud detection technologies from third-party providers help even the playing field for merchants to compete against massive marketplaces like Amazon or Alibaba. These technologies aggregate data from thousands of merchants and millions of transactions, providing a reliable way to detect fraud and compete with the behemoth brands.

          Recognizing A Broken Pattern

          AI-based fraud detection systems can adapt, making increasingly nuanced decisions as new behavior patterns emerge. Let’s take a look at the recent pandemic, for example. During the early stages of the lockdown, buyers who previously were never large purchasers of home improvement items and tools were now making substantial purchases in these categories. To avoid mistakenly rejecting purchases, which may have formerly appeared deceptive, eCommerce merchants had to adjust how they monitor and flag accounts. This is precisely the kind of near real-time adjustments that A.I. can make autonomously.

          Expedited shipping is another example of real-time A.I. advancements. According to Riskified data, orders placed with expedited shipping increased by 140% from January to December of 2020, while fraud levels decreased by 45% over the same period. In addition, expedited shipping reduces a merchant’s time to cancel an order and is perceived as a red flag for fraud detection. However, the pandemic has made this shipping method prevalent, becoming a safer practice over time.


          Emerging Threats

          Identifying suspicious payment activity committed by previously genuine customers can be particularly challenging. A common example is known as “friendly fraud,” where a customer disputes a charge with their credit card company to evade payment for a previously purchased product from a physical goods retailer. Fraudsters can claim that an item was not received by filing an “item not received” chargeback with their bank or credit card company. In fact, some engage in large-scale chargebacks and sell the items on the black market, causing retailers to lose millions of dollars each year. If this were to occur in a physical store, it would fall under the category of shoplifting.

          A rapidly growing fraud trend known as policy abuse involves regular, paying customers breaking a retailer’s terms and conditions, usually to save or make money. Although policy abuse differs from traditional fraud, retailers can still suffer financial losses which can go unnoticed.

          As a result, businesses are now turning to AI to address these situations. The A.I. will collect data, including IP addresses, device fingerprinting, and behavioral analytics. This data is then cross-referenced against past orders in various merchant networks. For example, suppose a customer is disputing a fraudulent order not placed by them. In that case, the system can verify if the order was placed using the same IP address and/or device the customer has previously placed orders. This empowers merchants to prioritize disputes and address policy abuse from the most frequent offenders, automating the dispute resolution process for enhanced scalability and efficiency.

          With the increasing sophistication of fraud tactics, fraud detection methods have also evolved. Soon, analysis of biometric aspects of e-commerce, such as “voiceprint” and the angle at which a mobile phone is held, will go beyond monitoring purchasing patterns.

          Bringing It All Together

          With an AI-powered fraud prevention system, businesses can be flexible and tailor their approach to new threats and opportunities as regulators, customers, and criminals continue to evolve. By leveraging AI-based techniques, e-commerce businesses can significantly reduce the risk of costly losses from fraudulent transactions while also providing a smoother shopping experience for their customers. It is clear that AI is playing a vital role in fraud prevention strategies for e-commerce businesses today, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

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            Adobe Announcements: Firefly AI & much much more!

            Adobe Announcements: Firefly AI & much much more!

            The world has been abuzz recently with news of generative AI. Even though artificial intelligence has existed in some form for decades, marketers and eCommerce pros need to pay attention to the ongoing seismic shifts in this growing segment. This is important, especially if you are an Adobe customer.

            Because Shantanu Narayen, Chairman and CEO of Adobe, stole the show at their company’s annual Adobe Summit by announcing they’re entering the AI race, joining Microsoft, Google, and others by introducing a new family of generative AI models called Firefly.

            Firefly is a new group of generative AI models focused on creating images, video, and text effects. Firefly uses generative AI with graphics tools like brushes, color gradients, and video tools to speed up production and make it easier for creators to produce high-quality content.

            “Our belief is that generative AI will enhance human ingenuity, not replace it,” said Narayen; he also added, “Over time, AI will help us reimagine every aspect of marketing.”

            At launch, Adobe refers to Firefly as a Beta and will only be available through a website. But eventually, Adobe plans to tightly integrate generative AI tools within its suite of creative apps, like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere, for your team to take advantage of.

            This addition to their suite of offerings is a big deal for Adobe. The company sits at the center of the creative app ecosystem, and over much of the past year, it’s stayed on the sidelines while newcomers to the creative space began to offer powerful tools for creating images, videos, and sound for next to nothing.

            The Adobe Summit also saw the launch of Sensei GenAI, natively embedded into the Adobe Experience Platform. However, it was not immediately clear how this would enhance the platform’s existing Sensei AI capabilities. Again, the aim seems to allow users to work with generative AI capabilities within Adobe Experience Cloud. In addition, Adobe also announced Adobe Mix Modeler, a new dashboard giving a cross-channel view of campaign performance, allowing real-time optimization of channel spend.

            Let’s take a look at the bigger picture of this announcement from Adobe and what it means for you, its customer base, and what other Adobe Commerce features are currently available to help you optimize performance.

            AI-optimized Live Search Results

              Almost two years ago, Adobe Commerce launched Live Search to provide lightning-fast search results, intelligent faceting, and search merchandising capabilities without investing in an expensive third-party solution.

              The latest release expands the use of Adobe Sensei in Live Search to deliver personalized results that boost relevance and conversion rates. For example, customers can optimize search results for specific queries by selecting from a set of five AI algorithms that include:

              • Recommended for You
              • Trending
              • Most Purchased

              Your team members can preview the impact of each algorithm in a test window before pushing anything live. Once a rule is set, Adobe Sensei automatically adjusts search results based on textual relevance and the selected algorithm to create a highly personalized product discovery experience. For example, the ‘Recommended for You’ algorithm surfaces products based on the shopper’s current and previous on-site behavior, and ‘Trending’ boosts products based on recent sales momentum. To learn more about Live Search capabilities, check out the release notes and documentation.

              Faster Live Search Setup and Performance

              Thanks to a new storefront widget, customers can now configure and launch a complete search interface and product listing page that will load not one, not two, not three, but five times faster. These increased load times are possible since all queries will be routed to Adobe’s search service for processing. In addition, the widget improves overall performance by removing the search traffic load from the site.

              Learn more about the Live Search widget here.

              Advanced Segmentation and Targeting

              Another new extension, Audience Activation, is changing the game! If you are looking to deliver real-time, one-to-one personalized experiences to your customers, you’ll want to take a mental note. With this update, your team can now use audiences created in Real-Time CDP to target content (dynamic blocks) and promotions (cart price rules) in Adobe Commerce. For example, a merchant can highlight a 20% off promotion on high-margin accessories to customers with a high propensity to purchase discounted add-ons. This deep integration enables more sophisticated personalization strategies that leverage data from the commerce site and other sources — like ERP and CRM systems — and AI-powered segmentation tools unique to Real-Time CDP.

              Learn more about the Audience Activation here.

              High-intent Data Sharing

              The surge in online interactions since the start of the pandemic has raised buyers’ expectations. Most expect businesses to tailor every interaction to their needs and preferences. To meet these demands, Adobe released a new update to the Experience Platform connected for Adobe Commerce, better known as Data Connection. This release will empower businesses to build rich customer profiles, including back-office order status information, and help to deliver personalized commerce journeys. This powerful native integration goes above and beyond the traditional storefront behavior monitoring and gives marketers access to the data they need to fuel more personalized, relevant, and timely messages, as well as power in-context promotions or content to each prospect or customer. For example, an order canceled due to a supply chain issue can trigger a customer notification with a substitution offer and special discount. The same data can also be used to understand the impact of cancellations on customer lifetime value. For B2B customers, Data Connection also shares information when requisition lists are created, and products are added or removed from lists.

              Learn more about Adobe Commerce data sharing capabilities here.

              Payment Services for UK and France

              Payment services for Adobe Commerce give merchants the simplicity of a unified platform, making it easier to securely manage transactions and order data from every storefront in one place – your eCommerce dashboard.

              Now available in the UK and France, Payment Services provides payment options, easy onboarding, and comprehensive customer reporting in multiple markets. Offering this level of payment options is another important way to make your customer’s shopping experience more seamless for better results.

              Learn more about payment services here.

              New Catalog Service Capabilities

              Enhancements to Catalog Service for Adobe Commerce now allow customers to retrieve category data and individual product details, which speeds up the time required to render category menus and trees on any page. Merchants can also request specific layers of the category tree to show only relevant data to the shopper.

              Bringing it All Together

              If this announcement proves anything, it’s that the Adobe Commerce platform is not only continuously growing in its offering and abilities, but it’s also increasing in complexity, which can feel overwhelming for eCommerce managers and teams. That’s where we come in. If you want to learn more about these new features or simply want to make the most of your current site, schedule a call with one of our Dev team members today.

              Stay tuned for more information on Firefly release notes and how Adobe Commerce can continue helping you and your brand succeed.

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                4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                Cincinnati, OH 45241

                UPDATED for 2023 Shipping Rate Changes: how to prep & what to expect

                UPDATED for 2023 Shipping Rate Changes: how to prep & what to expect

                When it comes to shipping, staying informed about current rates is crucial for ensuring that your customers are always aware of the latest costs and delivery times, and this year is certainly no exception. With inflation rates higher than ever, carriers such as UPS, UPS, DHL, and FedEx are definitely looking at an increase in costs which they will no doubt be passing along to you, the shipper.

                In this blog is everything you need to know about these price changes and what’s to come, but more importantly, what you can do to stay ahead.

                Read on for a full breakdown of the 2023 shipping price rates.


                The following fee changes took effect on January 22, 2023:

                • Priority Mail commercial rates increased by 3.6%
                • Priority Mail Express service prices increased by 6.6%
                • Priority Mail Flat rates increased by 3$
                • First-Class Package Service prices increased by 7.8% 
                • Parcel Select service prices increased by approximately 5.5%
                • There is no price increase for Parcel Select Ground

                It is important to note that these rate changes will vary between service levels and depend on where you print USPS labels. For a complete guide to USPS’s shipping rate changes, click here. 


                The 2023 UPS shipping rates that went into effect on December 22, 2022, have seen an average increase of about 6.9% across the board, matching FedEx.

                DHL Express

                DHL Express wasted no time enacting their 2023 shipping rate increases by an average of 7.9% on January 1, 2023. 


                The 2023 FedEx shipping rates that went into effect on January 2, 2023, have seen an average increase of about 6.9% across the board. The exact increase percentage from last year to this year varies depending on the package’s size, weight, shipping destination, and shipping origin. 

                It’s also worth noting that a delivery area surcharge of $13.25 will be applied per package for shipments traveling to specific ZIP codes within the contiguous 48 states. The exact amount of fuel surcharge will depend on market conditions and will be updated once more later this year on April 4, 2023.

                A complete list of FedEx’s shipping rate changes can be found on their website.

                Canada Post

                The 2023 Canada Post shipping rates increased by an average of 4.0% domestically and 1.4% US and internationally on January 9, 2023. For a full guide on Canada Post’s shipping rate changes, visit their guide.

                How You Can Save on Shipping in 2023

                This year, shipping rate increases didn’t entirely roll back from the higher prices during the peak holiday season. However, shipment services will continue growing in price year after year. If you don’t want to fall behind, use these tips to stay ahead:

                Free Shipping

                If you offer Free Shipping here are some options available to you:

                An Increase in product prices – If you’re still dead-set on maintaining your ‘free shipping’ options then an increase in product prices may be where you make up the loss incurred from the increased shipping costs. If you increase your products’ prices by the same percentage as these shipping increases you will maintain your magins. Although, your repeat and loyal customers may notice an increase in price, which could lead to an impact in their purchase frequency and shopping habits. This may be something worth A/B testing. 

                You could just do nothing – If you choose this route then you’ll need to absorb the increased cost of shipping yourself. Confirm your margins and your profitability before taking this route. 

                Consider a switch to ‘Free Shipping Minimums” – There is a compromise to be found between increasing your product prices and doing nothing. And that compromise is to add a free shipping minimum. This tactic has been shown to increase the average order value, which will help to offset the increased cost in shipping. This strategy will also pass along the cost of shipping directly to your customers if their order fails to reach the minimum threshold.

                Flat Rate

                If you offer Flat Rate Shipping here are some options available to you:

                You could just do nothing – Same as with Free Shipping, if you choose to do nothing then you’ll have to eat the cost yourself. Confirm this plan’s sustainability and long term functionality. 

                Adjust or introduce Order Value Ranges – There’s no rule that says your flat rates need to be the same for every order. Consider offering a higher flat rate on smaller orders and lower flat rates as orders and cart sizes increase. This will help off-set the increase in shipping costs. 

                Increase product prices – If you increase your products’ prices by the same percentage as these shipping increases you will maintain your magins. Although, your repeat and loyal customers may notice an increase in price, which could lead to an impact in their purchase frequency. 

                Increase Flat Rate Shipping – This increase may lead to similar results as an increase in product prices and it may impact your abandoned cart rates as customers will see this charge later on in the sales process. Consider altering the messaging and frequency of your Cart Abandonment emails if this is the path you choose.

                Calculated Shipping Rate

                If you offer Calculated Shipping here are some options available to you:

                You could just do nothing – If you use a calculated rates provider or app and you choose to do nothing then these new charges will be automatically updated as soon as they are implemented. 

                Decrease Product Price – Since your shipping rates are going to be automatically updated via your carrier extensions and applications a decrease in product price is an option. Once again, ensure that your margins are sustainable and pricing remains consistent and strategically in-line with the rest of your product line and your competitors.

                Adjust for 2023 and beyond

                While your current 2023 budget may need to be adjusted to account for some of these new charges, this might be a blessing in disguise. You could use this opportunity to rethink your entire shipping strategy from the ground up. If none of your calculations hit on your target margin, pricing strategy or shipping rate then it is time to go back to the drawing board. The team here at InteractOne is experienced and knowledgeable and ready to help craft a shipping strategy that works for you and your plans.

                  Get expert help today!

                  An InteractOne Senior Team Member will get back to you within a day.

                  Drop Us a Line At:

                  Or, if you prefer an old-fashioned phone call:
                  Phone (USA): (513) 469-3346

                  4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                  Cincinnati, OH 45241

                  The Tech & Trends Shaping Automotive in 2023

                  The Tech & Trends Shaping Automotive in 2023

                  The automotive industry is amid a period of change and challenges. Supply chain issues continue to trouble manufacturers, while dealers face rising costs and a growing regulatory landscape. Meanwhile, the industry appears to be in transition toward a bigger focus on electric vehicles (EVs), digitalization, and a mix of other technological innovations, making it hard for some companies and consumers to keep up.

                  In this blog post, we will highlight the answer to this exact question and how this is similar to other disruptions we have seen in the past – think Nokia and Apple.

                  The Top Tech Disruptors

                  The automotive industry is at a crossroads where the vehicle itself and consumer experiences are rapidly transitioning from physical to digital. More and more, consumers are shopping online to educate themselves, compare features and prices and also make the major investment of purchasing totally online. To capitalize on these disruptions, automakers will need to shift from their conventional, disconnected, and analog manufacturing methods to a connected and digitized environment.

                  Strict Regulations: New regulations and testing approvals are pushing traditional automakers to acquire or collaborate with innovative autonomous start-ups. For instance, many states and localities, such as the EPA and the California Air Resources Board, have upped their emissions standards, which immediately impacts your bottom line. In addition, the kinds of vehicles that can be designed to reduce emissions will be costly both in time and money. These incentives will further push manufacturers to include more electric and hybrid cars in their fleets and set the stage for rapid competitive consolidation. In other words, strap up because there’s a massive disruption ahead, and Tesla is winning the race. Consumers need to know the total cost of long term ownership of these vehicles and how it also impacts their bottom line.

                  Batteries and Motors: The most prominent disruptive trend has to be the innovations in the past couple of years in battery and motor technology. Lithium batteries and electric motors are not a new concept or technology; however, they, along with electric motors, will soon become products every company will try to recreate a better version of, almost like the individual parts of smartphones or PCs. Customers are more likely to look at who makes the best batteries than who brought about the use of lithium batteries. In around a decade, Tesla could own 15% of worldwide EV battery production, which will only give a minor competitive advantage. Likewise consumers need to know the value and life of these new batteries and motors–but how do they learn?

                  Increased cutting-edge production: Modern technologies are reshaping how the automobile industry manufactures cars. One such breakthrough technology is 3D printing to make vehicle parts. Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is an excellent source of product innovation. Metal 3D printing is already becoming mainstream, and this is just the beginning of what is to come in the automotive industry.

                  Augmented reality: Auto giant Toyota has joined forces with some digital transformation companies to create an augmented reality system that requires no mobile application and enables consumers to get to know the car models without even setting foot in the brand showroom. Using VR capabilities, auto companies can allow consumers to see inside and outside their potential new model and hear authentic sound effects with 360 degrees. Even on websites like TrueCar and Edmunds, all pertinent buying information is available in a second and at the click of a button. Another AR innovation that will take consumers by storm is displaying information on windshields. This technological safety advancement will allow drivers to process important data without taking their eyes off the road.

                  Internet on things (IoT): Used to describe the ever-growing networks of physical objects that are online, connected, and capable of communicating and sharing information with us and with each other. The total number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is projected to surpass 43 billion by 2023. As a result, enterprises have begun to adapt to this growing imperative for connectivity, from our homes to smart TVs, connected kitchen appliances, smart alarm systems, and more. The number of businesses deploying IoT technologies has nearly doubled in less than a decade. Still, the pace of past evolution doesn’t compare to what we’ll see in the near future, especially in the automotive industry.

                  EV pay-per-mile vehicles: We expect companies that develop new, innovative pay-per-mile users-based models, especially in the commercial vehicles and buses space, to attract huge investments. Even during the most challenging periods of the pandemic, EV start-ups continued to pull in sizable funding investments. By showing us carbon-free ways to transform how people and goods are transported, backed by low CAPEX and lifecycle total cost of ownership models, they have put themselves in a position of strength.

                  Software Integration: Another significant disruption to the auto industry is Tesla and how it’s proving its autonomy of innovations to be the best in the industry. For instance, they are responsible for creating a single integrated computer system that controls their vehicles. Creating a system designed by the combination of separate incompatible computer systems from different suppliers could revolutionize the way Tesla and other companies who want to keep up with this competitive advantage build their products. In addition, Tesla is trying to perfect its Autopilot system to make it the best in the field; however other companies, such as Waymo, are already expanding self-driving cars to public transit. So the question is, how well does your autonomy need to be? How many companies could achieve that? Not to mention that data systems are changing daily, and every innovation must adapt to them, making it hard to keep up.

                  Evolving Customer Behavior

                  Current ecological, social, and technological trends are encouraging innovative manufacturers to offer consumers something much more than a typical metal box powered by engines. Carmakers are also showing interest in making good cars on the road and an enclosed space with high-end technology. For many years, carmakers were primarily focused on enhancing manufacturing to become more efficient at scale; the future is about redefining the role of the vehicle.

                  Consumers are looking for environmentally-friendly vehicles: People’s quest to search for environmentally-friendly cars is increasing. Green earth is a new concept that is attracting wide attention. Moreover, recent wildfires and glacier melting incidents have triggered people to focus on climate change. Henceforth, people look for electric vehicles (EVs) to minimize carbon emissions.

                  Demand for luxury/premium: Take trucks here as an example. Most people used to associate trucks with off-roading and rugged work, but those are assumptions of the past. Over the years, trucks have become more than that, with consumers preferring to buy luxury and power trucks as a status symbol. In addition to power, luxury trucks have features like extra towing capabilities, spacious seating, panoramic sunroof, rear-seat touchscreen entertainment, advanced safety features, and motorized tailgate and running boards that maximize comfort and style.

                  Spike in millennial purchasing habits: ​​While many think millennials are not buying cars, the data available tells a different story. In the first quarter of 2018 alone, millennials accounted for all new car sales growth in the Northern American auto industry, with a 6.45% growth in the same period. This statistic has drastically increased since then, as more millennials buy cars when triggered by life-changing events such as switching jobs, getting married, or having children. Consider this statistic when marketing and focus targeted messaging on this segment.

                  Consumers doing online research: Buying a car is not a task most consumers look forward to, as it can be stressful and time-consuming. Still, since mobile phones have become a part of everyday life, it is easy to look for everything online, vehicles included. A report unravels that eight in ten car buyers use online sources as part of their vehicle purchase process. Moreover, of all online resources, automotive marketplaces are the most popular source used by 77% of new and used buyers. Insert Carvana, who jumped on this opportunity and changed the customer experience by giving power back to customers and letting them find their perfect car from their homes without having to haggle with salespeople. Online does not only mean a Chat bot feature but a real person and toll-free number to connect with for a better experience.

                  Disdain for the Retail Experience

                  For most people, buying a car is the second-biggest purchase they will make in life. And while it’s an exciting milestone, many also find it to be full of anxiety and time-consuming. And as more and more consumers discover that they can buy a new car (or leasing?) from the comfort of their home – with voluminous information available about vehicles they’re considering – they’re unlikely to ever return to the old way of doing business. The ability to negotiate with multiple dealers simultaneously without the pressure of the showroom and the time spent going from dealer to dealer will likely become an expectation. Dealerships that adapt will thrive, while those that don’t, will suffer.

                  How to adapt to DTC purchasing behavior

                  Unfortunately, no silver bullet can overcome the traditional automotive purchase model. However, there are still significant opportunities for automobile marketers to get up to speed with direct-to-consumer automotive in incremental ways:

                  1. One significant DTC opportunity is selling aftermarket parts, which offers big margins and comes directly from the manufacturer.
                  2. End-user services related to data connectivity or insurance and financing provider, may provide other possibilities.
                  3. Replicating showrooms and sales interactions online.

                  The digital transformation of some aspects of the buying process is a starting point for building and sustaining connections directly with consumers.

                  The Future of Car Retail

                  As the world has already approached digital transformation, the automotive industry is increasingly making technological breakthroughs to stay relevant in today’s competitive landscape. From autonomous vehicles to connected cars and augmented reality dashboard displays to full integration with phones and smartwatches, the automotive industry is on the cusp of innovation, delivering users an enhanced automotive car experience.

                  When it comes to this experience, Tesla and Carvana stand on top. Why are customers so fanatic about these brands? Is it their sleek design, innovative delivery features, or eco-friendly nature? It is all those things and the forward-thinking, innovative individuality they provide to their customers; which often leads to incredible loyalty and growth. Let’s dive a bit deeper into this.

                  The hallmark of Tesla’s personalization efforts is its driver profiles. Each driver can change their settings with the single push of a button. For example, instead of manually adjusting things like the wheel and mirror location, Tesla vehicles can make those changes automatically based on who is driving. Other manufacturers may change the seat location setting based on which key is used to open the car door, but Tesla driver profiles go beyond typical car personalization to adjust things like suspension, braking, lights, radio presets, and even driving style to match each user.

                  Carvana also has a competitive advantage because they meet its customers where they are and provide a solution to one major consumer pain point. They replaced consumers’ time-consuming car dealership visits with a virtual experience. Using their patented 360-degree photo technology, they captured vehicle details from every angle, allowing consumers to browse for a car and explore its features and any imperfections directly from their website or app. And they don’t stop there. They provide customers with the option to either pick up their car or have it delivered to their home. A great option for ecommerce business local or long distance to have this choice based on where they are and how quickly needed.

                  Simply put, both of these manufacturers have a solid understanding of who their customers are. By understanding each customer, what they are looking for in a driving experience, and why they decided to shop with them, both companies can tailor the experience and change how the car drives to best meet their needs. For instance, a busy professional with a long commute will have different needs and, therefore, a different driving experience than a mom driving her kids around town. In addition, by staying in tune with data, Tesla and Carvana can regularly update their digital offerings, finetune their software and build experiences and features that resonate with each user.

                  Bringing it all together

                  As you can see, the decade ahead is going to be very interesting and exciting for the automotive industry, and for you as well. And we’ve only scratched the surface of all of the new developments occurring and forthcoming. Maybe we’ll see Google, Samsung, or Apple enter the market in the future. Maybe cars will begin gathering data on traffic conditions, air quality, and the weather.

                  Are you ready to capitalize on these disruptions and shift your current manufacturing and customer sales methods to increase your capital and gain a competitive advantage? Schedule a call with a member of our team today.

                    Get expert help today!

                    An InteractOne Senior Team Member will get back to you within a day.

                    Drop Us a Line At:

                    Or, if you prefer an old-fashioned phone call:
                    Phone (USA): (513) 469-3346

                    4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                    Cincinnati, OH 45241

                    A B2B Marketer’s GA4 Migration Guide

                    A B2B Marketer’s GA4 Migration Guide

                    Announced in October 2020, GA4 is primed to officially replace UA on July 1, 2023, which means UA will stop processing site visitor activity on that day. Since this announcement, Google has given digital marketing agencies and brands almost three years to prepare their team and business to make the critical switch. Migrating sooner rather than later will help you get acquainted with new capabilities, prevent data loss, and ensure that integrations are reconfigured. 

                    In today’s blog post, we decided to help make migrating to GA4 easier. If you already have experience using UA, you’re two steps ahead. And, if you don’t have experience, we are here to help guide you.

                    Are you ready for the new Google Analytics 4? Let’s dive in to find out what GA4 is all about—and why you need to learn how to migrate to Google Analytics 4.

                    What is New in Google Analytics 4

                    GA4 is designed to give B2B marketers a richer, more accurate picture of their customers journey to purchase? across devices and channels. Some of the latest features of GA4 include the following:

                    • Cross-device measurement: GA4 can link together multiple devices used by the same person to give you a complete view of their behavior.
                    • Offline data: GA4 can track offline conversions, such as phone calls or in-store purchases, and attribute them to your online marketing campaigns. This is incredibly helpful for complex B2B account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns.
                    • Enhanced customer journey reporting: GA4’s new funnel reports show how customers move through the various stages of your marketing funnel.

                    If your team uses Universal Analytics (UA), you can migrate your tracking code to GA4. However, GA4 offers a different data model than UA, so it’s essential to understand the differences between the two platforms before migrating and to be careful during the migration process. For more on that, check out our blog, GA4 Has Landed. Then explore the Next Generation of Google Analytics.

                    Migrate in Phases: Steps for Migrating to Google Analytics 4

                    Are you constantly seeing prompts to migrate to the new Google Analytics? With just eleven months to go, it’s becoming even more crucial to start the migration soon. 

                    While migrating to the new Google Analytics does not necessarily mean losing current data collection and reporting capabilities, you need to prepare for a different way to view, analyze, and leverage data generated by event-based measurement. 

                    This is why we recommend a phased approach — migrating to GA4 in stages to ensure that the platform is appropriately set up for your needs. It’s best to set up a GA4 property as soon as possible and use it simultaneously with your current UA so you can see and learn the differences before upgrading custom reports and dashboards to the new Analytics. So let’s dive deeper into those steps at a high level. 

                    Phase 1: Create a new GA4 property for standard tracking – GA4 is a fresh start in every sense of the word, so before you move to the new platform, you must create a new GA4 property. You can do this using the Upgrade Assistant or by clicking on the Create New Property button in the admin menu. 

                    Remember that if you use Google Tag Manager, you can create a new GA4 Configuration tag on all pages. In contrast, if you’re coding, you’ll need to add the GA4 tag to your website’s pages. Once these are completed, you can see core data in the GA4 property.

                    Phase 2: Track events and other KPI-related metrics – In line with GA4’s move to event-based tracking, you’ll be able to configure data collection based on relevant events that indicate user behaviors and interactions. For example, in the new GA4, you will see that the Event Category is now called Event Name. Moreover, you will be able to define the data parameters under Action and Label, allowing you to track all relevant data. In addition, any goals that you previously defined as destination goals will need to be added as events to ensure they are measured.

                    Phase 3: Set up tracking for eCommerce and additional custom tracking – For eCommerce sites, this is one of the most crucial steps of the migration process that can be done on GA4 to ensure accurate revenue measurement. We recommend working with developers, like our InteractOne team of experts, to help your team implement your website’s appropriate eCommerce tracking codes.

                    Phase 4: Post-migration audit and adjustments –  ​​Once your migration is complete, conducting a full implementation audit is crucial to identify gaps and errors and adjust as needed. This includes debugging, ensuring that all tracked data are funneled to the correct events, and reviewing your GA settings for the new GA4 property. Finally, ensure all KPIs are reflected as goals, and relevant events are marked as conversions.

                    Get ahead of event-based tracking and build a full view of the customer journey across devices and platforms.

                    Things to Keep in Mind

                    One of the most important things to remember when using GA4 is that it’s a very new platform. As such, there are bound to be some bugs and limitations. Google is actively working to address these issues, but it’s essential to be aware of them before you make the switch.

                    Another thing to keep in mind is that GA4 doesn’t yet have all of UA’s features. Some of the most notable features that are missing from GA4 include the following:

                    • Custom dimensions
                    • Custom metrics
                    • Content groups
                    • Attribution modeling

                    If any of the above features are important to your tracking, you should run both UA and GA4 simultaneously until you make the final switch.

                    Bringing it all together

                    Old habits die hard, especially those that have made your business successful. UA has undoubtedly been one of the most effective tools in recent years. Leaving it behind and moving to a new platform can sound time-consuming, stressful, and challenging. But remember that GA4 is pretty much the same as UA, except it’s better. In Google Analytics 4, you have more efficient tracking features, improved customization options, and greater data security. So if you wonder whether all the stress is worth it, the answer is a resounding yes.

                    Want to get ahead of the GA4 curve and get your migration started? Book a chat with one of our team members today. Our team of experts has extensive experience configuring and optimizing GA4, as well as a variety of other tracking systems. As a result, we can help you maximize the effectiveness of your tracking ecosystem so that you know precisely how effective your marketing dollars are.

                      Get expert help today!

                      An InteractOne Senior Team Member will get back to you within a day.

                      Drop Us a Line At:

                      Or, if you prefer an old-fashioned phone call:
                      Phone (USA): (513) 469-3346

                      4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                      Cincinnati, OH 45241

                      The Focus & Future of the Automotive Aftermarket

                      The Focus & Future of the Automotive Aftermarket

                      We’re all used to self-service on the web, whether it’s managing our own finances or booking a flight or a holiday. Why can’t it be the same for car parts?

                      According to the SEMA 2022 Future Trends report, electric vehicles, connected cars, and eCommerce, among other trends, may lead to the redistribution of 30 to 40 percent of aftermarket profits along the value chain and change the industry landscape in the next 10 to 20 years.

                      With an increase in demand for aftermarket parts, many retailers are taking a hard look at their ability to meet the demand and provide the experience their customers are craving – convenience, extensive product selection, consistent availability, and fast delivery. To meet this demand, many retailers have a web store in place, but it’s commonplace that those sites were built years ago and may not have been set up to handle the increased inventory options and transaction volume that the current eCommerce environment demands. If you are not offering a seamless experience from browse to search to purchase, you risk being left behind. Now is the time for you and your team to face the facts: What are we doing to provide a better eCommerce experience?

                      In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key factors that are contributing to aftermarket parts success and how you and your team can be strategic in maintaining a competitive position in a rapidly-changing environment.

                      Key Factors Contributing to Aftermarket Parts Success

                      Dramatic changes are in motion within the automotive aftermarket. These include changing customer expectations, accelerated adoption of new technologies, and shifts in competitive power.

                      Automotive aftermarket eCommerce retailers are seeing growth on just about every front. Why? There are not enough new vehicles to meet consumer demand, according to SEMA. Not surprisingly, this means more and more people are keeping their vehicles and spending more of their money maintaining them.

                      But that’s not all bad news, as this provides retailers the opportunity to increase their bottom line and take advantage of this aftermarket acceleration. Let’s explore some of the key factors contributing to this rise in reliance on aftermarket parts and services.

                      • Low auto inventory levels: New-vehicle inventory at the end of July was higher than it was a year ago, when the global computer chip shortage began hurting production, but supply remains low compared with pre-pandemic times, according to Cox Automotive’s analysis of Auto Available Inventory data. In addition, domestic production of new motor vehicles in the United States was down 16.5% from 2019 according to SEMA. Vehicle sales over the same period were down 9.6%, which has led to historically low inventory.  People have reported waiting on an average of six or more months to receive their new vehicle. Low inventory levels likely mean demand for new vehicles will remain strong over the next year, as auto manufacturers work to repair supply chains and produce more vehicles.
                      • The rise in technological advancements: Aftermarket parts such as catalytic converters and electronic chips are in high demand as owners invest in their older vehicles trying to make them more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition, people are always on the lookout for new features to add to their older vehicles.
                      • Government regulations: Stricter car emission regulations have put pressure on manufacturers to produce more environmentally friendly and high-efficiency parts.  This demand is expected to excel at a fast pace in the future and is a trend to stay on top of.
                      • More disposable income: More people are self-made millionaires, demanding more luxuries, including wanting to design or remodel their vehicles, which is increasing the demand for aftermarket products.

                      Overall, aftermarket retailers should feel optimistic about the future. The strong demand for aftermarket products will continue to grow in 2022 and beyond. However, challenges loom on the horizon. Ongoing supply issues will likely constrain available supply and increase prices.

                      What’s next for your business and retailers alike?

                      Many retailers are taking a hard look at their ability to provide a better online buying experience for their customers and asking themselves some tough questions such as:

                      1. Are we prepared to handle increased online sales? 
                      2. Can our current technology help us stay on top of the supply chain issues?
                      3. Is our existing store technology a problem?

                      This hasn’t stopped consumers from making a purchase. Shoppers simply switched brands or went to another retailer to get what they needed. What does this mean for you? Don’t let technology get in the way of your business and profits.

                      Side Note: According to the SEMA report, nearly ⅔’s of people reported they wanted to purchase something from an online auto aftermarket retailer, but it was out of stock.

                      Let’s take a look at how you can get ahead of issues like this with eCommerce:

                      • Extend your geographical reach: Whether you sell parts B2C, B2B, or both, eCommerce extends your geographical reach and provides your customers with 24×7 access to place orders. Fully integrating third-party codes where customers can view their complete purchase history and status of current orders from anywhere, anytime is just the beginning of building your customer base beyond your brick and mortar.
                      • Improve customer experience: Elevate the buying experience by allowing customers to manage parts and pricing while having immediate access to inventory. 

                      Get professional help updating your eCommerce site: InteractOne offers full-service website custom design and deployment, using Magento. Take a look at how we helped turn a static automotive aftermarket site into a responsive, custom-designed one and how we can do the same for you.

                      Bringing it all Together

                      With the accelerating growth of eCommerce – which creates opportunities to modify business models and adopt new ways of interacting with customers – automotive suppliers and distributors face increased pressure to transform now. How come? Retail giants are quick to fill gaps and expand their footprint into new industries like automotive. But the one thing the big retailers can’t match is the automotive experience and expertise of companies that are already established and successful in the industry – this is where you and your team can gain a strategic advantage with FitmentPro.

                      FitmentPro is our solution to gaining this automotive advantage. Not only will this software tool help keep your automotive catalog up to date with the aftermarket trends, but it will also empower your customers to find the perfect part in record time and so much more. Click here to learn more and book a demo with a member of our Dev team today. You’ll be blown away when you see how this feature can help your site perform at top speed while serving the product catalog search results for your customers.

                        Get expert help today!

                        An InteractOne Senior Team Member will get back to you within a day.

                        Drop Us a Line At:

                        Or, if you prefer an old-fashioned phone call:
                        Phone (USA): (513) 469-3346

                        4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                        Cincinnati, OH 45241

                        Most Costly Adobe Commerce Problems – And How to Fix Them

                        Most Costly Adobe Commerce Problems – And How to Fix Them

                        A lot of different factors are involved in the development of an eCommerce website and it is ultimately those same factors that will decide the fate of your business. They will also play a large role in  how users are going to interact with or find your website. 

                        In this blog, we are going to share the most common issues encountered with the Adobe Commerce platform that your team might be experiencing and how to solve them. If you want to learn a little more about the powerful and exclusive money-making features of Abobe Commerce check out our blogs The 5 Most Valuable, Exclusive, Money-Making Features on Adobe Commerce and Future Proof your Webstore with Adobe Commerce 2.4.5

                        Slow Performance

                        Having a fast-loading, high-performance website is crucial to your eCommerce business. Why? Because the speed of your web pages play a vital role in your user experience, conversions, and Search Ranking. Unfortunately, too many eCommerce merchants place a priority on having a site with too many bells and whistles and an overly sophisticated website design, all of which slow the site rendering speed. 

                        A slow-loading site can cause major conversion rate issues that dramatically affect your sales.  Some extensions (and extension providers) are notorious for breaking Adobe Commerce’s cache and not working properly with JS bundling and CSS/HTML minification.  These extensions can create very slow page loads and poor performance across the site.

                        Your site speed is important for the overall user experience you are trying to create and if your site takes a long time to load (especially on mobile) causing impatient customers to leave your site, increasing l your overall bounce rate and reducing the average time spent on your site. Slow loading sites also get lower SEO scores from Google and affect your business’s conversion rates; which further exacerbates the problem. In fact, the highest eCommerce conversion rates occur on pages with load times between 0-2 seconds, with nearly 70% of consumers admitting that a page speed beyond this impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer, according to a study by Portent

                        Every extension should be reviewed by a senior developer before being installed and a full regression test and possibly a load test of the site should be performed before releasing the extension to production. For more information on factors that might be affecting your site speed, check out our blog, Perfect Page, Poor Traffic? Why Site Speed Matters. 


                        For the eCommerce teams that do not plan their websites correctly, it is easy to go overboard and install extensions that affect your website’s functionality. That can be easy to do with the 3,800 extensions that the official Adobe Commerce Marketplace offers. This is because sometimes it’s not possible for all 3rd party extensions to be tested against one another. They also might not be of top quality which may hinder your customer’s experience. Another conflict your team might be experiencing is incorrect database configurations. If you are using Magento 2.4 or above, it is essential that your team upgrade your database to MySQL 8; which can take your performance to the next level. According to a report, this database upgrade can improve the performance of a website twice as much as its previous versions.

                        To help stay on point with your sales strategy while improving your performance and experience on your website, the solution to this issue is to ensure that full regression testing and load testing are routinely performed before releasing any extension into production. In addition, you can set indexers to ‘update on schedule’ rather than ‘update on save’ to help eliminate Adobe Commerce performance issues in case of large volumes of traffic, especially around the holidays or other particularly busy times. 


                        Sometimes extension providers are slow to respond to support requests or they simply stop supporting their extension.  Although not common, we have seen this happen several times in the past.  The most significant impact can be when an extension provider decides to stop supporting their extension altogether.  This means the merchant is forced to either pay a developer to keep upgrading the extension to match overall site upgrades or replace that extension with something else.  

                        One of the most popular extensions to lose support recently has been the Ultimo theme.  This extension was used by many merchants, all of whom were left with no support when the Ultimo theme developer decided to no longer support or upgrade their theme.

                        The recommended solution to this issue is to only purchase extensions from the bigger and more well regarded providers like Aheadworks or Magefan who have more resources for support and are not likely to fold up shop anytime soon.


                        Slow loading pages, especially for mobile users, are by far the most important and costly of the issues outlined above when it comes to improving conversion because these issues involves not only a lot of quality assurance testing, but the following interdependent processes:

                        • Analyzing all 3rd party extensions and custom code to find which modules are causing performance issues.
                        • Any necessary work to resolve those issues (replacing modules, refactoring code, etc.).
                        • Full regression testing of the site to ensure the resolutions work properly.
                        • Identifying any unused or bloated Javascript code causing performance issues.
                        • Any unforeseen work that might be required to remove/replace or refactor Javascript code.
                        • Full regression testing of the site to ensure the proper functionality is in place based on the above task. 
                        • Minimize CSS/HTML and Javascript
                        • Full regression testing of the site again.
                        • Work with full page caching and CDNs to further optimize page loads and image sizes etc.
                        • Full regression testing of the site again.

                        After these steps are followed to correct and improve your site speed, your team can determine which approaches to take for further conversion improvement, such as A/B testing or hiring a third-party expert.

                        Side Note: ​​If this all seems like a lot that’s because it is. If you’d like to speak with an expert click here.

                        Bringing it all Together

                        Before proceeding to make any changes to these third-party codes or any performance issues, it is important to make sure you understand where the bugs and issues reside and how to fix them; which can quickly turn into a larger task than originally anticipated. That’s where we come in. It’s vital to have a team of experts that understand your needs and who provide the right solutions to help you stay at the top of search results and ensure a better return on your investment. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to talk.

                          Get expert help today!

                          An InteractOne Senior Team Member will get back to you within a day.

                          Drop Us a Line At:

                          Or, if you prefer an old-fashioned phone call:
                          Phone (USA): (513) 469-3346

                          4665 Cornell Rd. Suite 255
                          Cincinnati, OH 45241